Virtual Sheet Music® Affiliate Program

Earn money by referring customers. Easy and fast.
Please fill out the form below to become an Affiliate
(it's completely free!)
1. What's your PayPal E-Mail address?
Your PayPal logo E-Mail address:
Your PayPal logo E-Mail address:
(where we'll send your payments)
(where we'll send your payments)
2. What is your mailing address?
Box / Suite / Apt #:
Box / Suite / Apt #:
Zip / Postal Code:
Zip / Postal Code:
Country / State:
Country / State:
(if your country is not listed, please contact us)
(if your country is not listed, please contact us)
3. How can we contact you?
Your name:
Your name:
Your E-Mail address:
Your E-Mail address:
Your website URL:
Your website URL:
(if you don't have a website, leave this field blank)
(if you don't have a website, leave this field blank)
4. Choose a username and password for your new account.
The username you choose will be your affiliate ID for your account. It will be used in your affiliate links and will appear on the memo line when we send you a check.
Account username:
Account username:
(5-15 characters long)
(5-15 characters long)
Account password:
Account password:
(5-32 characters long)
(5-15 characters long)
5. Select your minimum payment.
Your commissions will be paid monthly once they reach your defined minimum payment ($25 by default). If commissions total less than such minimum payment, they will accrue until they reach it before payment. Choose your payment minimum below (you will be able to adjust this at any time.)
Minimum payment:
Minimum payment:
6. E-Mail sale notification (be notified by E-Mail every time a customer make a sale from your links).
E-Mail sale notification:
E-Mail sale notification:
7. Would you like to have a Free 1-year Membership on Virtual Sheet Music to evaluate our service?
VSM Membership?
VSM Membership?
NOTE: To be eligible for a free 1-year Membership on VSM, your site must have affiliate links set up correctly and running, its own domain name, and be a high-quality website.
8. For security purposes, please enter the word "music" below:
Enter the word "music":
Enter the word "music":
9. Agree to our terms and conditions.
By clicking SUBMIT below you consent to the following terms:
  • Accounts containing invalid contact information (name, email address, mailing address, etc) may be deleted without notice.
  • Accounts with no logins for 90 days may be deleted without notice.
  • Accounts associated with network abuse (including unwelcome email, crossposting, mousetraps, spam, or respawning windows) may be suspended without notice.
  • You accept and acknowledge to the terms and conditions of our Affiliate Agreement.

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